Halong Bay Vietnam

Halong Bay 2 days tour - sleeping on the boat

 A World Heritage Site, Halong Bay is one of the most beautiful places on earth. With its picturesque blend of land and sea, this is one of the world's most precious beauty spots. The Bay is about 180 km from Hanoi, and covers an area of over 1,500 km. Dotted with thousands of rocky islands, it really is a natural sculpture on a gigantic scale.

Day 1: Hanoi – Halong (L,D)
Pick up and leave Hanoi for Halong Bay. Enjoy an interesting 3-hour drive to Halong City, visitors will see the rich farmlands, water buffalo and people at work. Upon arrival in Halong, board in boat in the emerald water between the limestone outcrops and long corridors, enjoy the harmony of clouds and waters. Lunch on board. Visit the recently discovered Sung Sot Cave (Amazing or Surprise Grotto), one of the most beautiful ones in Halong Bay. Enjoy swimming at Titov beach. Watch the fantastic sunset on the bay. Overnight on board with a magic night in the bay.

Day 2: Halong – Hanoi (B, L)

Morning swim and sunrise breakfast. Continue cruising around the bay for viewing the numerous interesting types of islands on the bay. Visit Dau Go Cave ( Grotto of the Wooden Stakes) where in 1288 one of Vietnam’s most famous generals, Tran Hung Dao, amassed hundreds of stakes deep inside the cave prior to a battle with an invading Mongol army and Thien Cung Cave (Grotto of the Heavenly Palace), famous for its marvelous stalagmites and stalactites. Back to the wharf by noon.

On the way back to Hanoi, stop to visit the embroidery factory of the disabled with wonderful works at unexpected price. Arrive in Hanoi .

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